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Megan Newton Memorial Award in Theatre​

Award amount for 2024: $2,000​
Applications accepted: June 1 – October 15 annually​     
Notification: by November 15

- Financial need and/or a determination to be self-supporting during studies – e.g. working your way through school, with or without student loans; family financial obligations, special circumstances and/or challenges.​


-  Studies with a professional instructor, or a professional company, e.g. workshops, intensives, etc. - if you have completed or are registered for such an activity we encourage you tell us about it.


- Current volunteering, community service, etc. are not specific criteria for selection, as both education and any true passion require dedication and focus, leaving little time for outside commitments. However, if you do or have done activities of this sort relating to theatre, we encourage you to mention them.



Applicants must be currently registered in (or accepted by, to begin studies within the calendar year) a program in theatre, including set/costume/prop design, stage management, theatre administration, playwriting and/or performing, at a recognized post-secondary institution. Applicants may be registered full-time or part-time.



​Applications are considered
on the following criteria:


Demonstrated interest in experimental or non-traditional forms of theatrical performance, or innovative use of theatre as a way to explore unusual or controversial topics​


Preference will be given to qualified applicants who are focusing their education and/or future plans on stage management, theatre administration, and/or any aspect of theatre-related design.​​


Megan Newton Memorial Award selection criteria in PDF


Applications must include:


-  A completed application form.


-  Proof of registration (or acceptance) at a recognized post-secondary institution.​


-  An unofficial transcript (applicants currently in Grade 12 please ensure your transcript covers from Grade 10 onward, and also list courses currently in progress).


-  A personal statement (around 500 words, typewritten) outlining your educational goals, specific areas of interest in your current theatre education and beyond, your program of study including focus/major or minor(s) and/or thesis topic as applicable, and related activities, accomplishments, etc., showing how these are congruent with the award’s philosophy and criteria. Feel free to mention any of the following as they apply to you; although these are not formal selection criteria, they may help the selection committee get a better sense of who you are:


© 2013-2023 Megan Newton Memorial Fund & Award


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